Church Planting in the Philippines

The Need

“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” - Jesus

In 6,500 of the world’s 11,000 people groups, there is no church, nor is there any work being done to establish a church. The Philippines has over 40 unreached people groups. These are the people among whom Ethnos360 works.

The Goal

To see a mature church planted and thriving on its own in an unreached people group in the Philippines.

The Method

Training (2016-2020)

Complete Bible and Missionary Training with Ethnos360.

Ministry Team Partnership (2020-22)

Partner with churches and individuals in prayer and giving.

Arrival (June 2022)

Launch to the Philippines as a family ready to transition to a new culture.

Filippine Culture & Language (Current)

Learn the national language and culture of the Philippines. Survey surrounding people groups. Form team of 2-3 missionary families.


Make agreement with an unreached people group. Cut lumber for our houses. Build our homes among them. Move, as a team, to a remote people group.

People’s Culture & Language

Learn the people’s heart language and cultural traditions. Build relationships with them. Get to know their worldview. Remind them that we have a message for them.

Literacy & Translation

Create an alphabet. Teach them how to read and write in their own language. Begin translating portions of the Bible.

Chronological Teaching

Invite the whole village to come hear why we have spent all this time with them. Teach through the key stories of the Bible from Creation to the Cross.

Church: Birth & Growth

Disciple the new believers in God’s Word, baptism, communion, and evangelism. Help them pass the Good News on to neighboring villages.

Church: Mature & Thriving

Appoint church leaders. Slowly withdraw from ministry and give them more and more responsibilities. Finish up Bible translation.


A Short Documentary

Watch this video to get an idea of what our church plant

will look like in the Philippines.